Tuesday, September 21, 2010


The new school year is underway and it has been.......interesting to say the least.

Occasionally I attend these collaborative assessment meetings at Harvard where educators from all parts of the world and all facets of the field gather to consider and discuss student work and current issues in teaching and learning.  After 9/11, the facilitator began reserving the last 15 minutes of discussion to ponder what it means to be an educator in a time of war.  This question has evolved in the years since to: "what does it mean to be an educator at this moment in time?"  A very powerful question with complex and multiple answers.

What does it mean to be a parent in this moment in time?  What does it mean to be a child at this moment in time?

Summer is such an amazing season of sunshine, warmth, and outdoor adventures.  But autumn's cool  and colorful days are my favorite, and as we all settle into a different rhythm of work and school and longer nights, I am considering these questions.

I'm also thinking about how to use the blog this year.  I'd like to include podcasts, and I hope people will respond to the surveys and posts with comments.

I'm listening to the gubernatorial debate as I write this...sigh...educating in this moment of time......

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