Monday, November 29, 2010

more PC

A favorite activity is humming to lure the periwinkle snails out of their shells.  Here's a primate at work...and by the way, this is a brief excerpt--he was at this for awhile!  Love the perseverance!

Here are a few pics from the day...which made me pause to remember that the real world is a wonderful place to learn, discover, and wonder!

                                                              inside an empty mussel
            I think this guy is called a scud...we have to look it up.  Great way to introduce field guides!
                                                                          low tide
a staring contest with a periwinkle

We headed straight to lunch after the cove visit, so when we returned from recess, the primates revisited their sketches and shared with the whole group.  Every entry was unique, personal, and followed the established journaling routine of including the date/time/tide/weather conditions.  Here are a few:

                                                         rock                          glass
                     I drew a seaweed.  it smelled bad.  we saw a fox when we arrived.  it looked sick.
This entry depicts a sewer drain the primates discovered, thanks to the low tide.  It was covered in barnacles and periwinkles.  I questioned this primate about writing, "very hot today"--since it was in the low 50s! She said the sun felt hot on her face.  good observation and I love the heat radiating from the sun in those two swirls.

looking forward to our next trip!


  1. Looks great and how wonderful to have all that in the school's backyard! Most people would have to bus to get those kinds of experiences :)

  2. Dr. G.

    Glad to see you are still blogging. I am going to try to stop by Salts this week to say hi. Before we go to Mexico JAn. 1.

