Friday, September 9, 2011


Ok, so here's something I was completely unprepared for: everywhere we have gone this week, we have gotten weird looks and questions from strangers regarding, "how old are you? shouldn't you be in school?" and "what?  Skipping school already?", etc., etc...

The thing is, I don't feel like getting into a whole discussion of the problems with public ed right now and why we are choosing to home school and the merits of a home school education and how, yes, we are addressing the social aspect...blah blah blah.  Not with strangers.  I'm just working on figuring things out for myself, and dealing with other people's misconceptions, rude opinions, and lack of understanding is not something I care to deal with, quite honestly.  But it's bugging me, especially since I know this is something we will encounter every time we are adventuring around during school hours and I wonder what impact it is having on Four and Seven...what message are these people sending to my kiddos?  what message am I sending to them by avoiding a response or saying something completely lame?

On a lighter note, our fried rice dinner was delish and I was truly amazed at Seven's culinary skills.  He did everything from gathering, washing, chopping, measuring and mixing ingredients--even stir frying the rice in the wok...(man was I sweating through that one).  We both burned our fingers on the wok, but as Daddy said, " Now you're a real cook!".

Best part of the day: just after dinner, Seven suddenly said, "Mama, I want to show you a word I know."  He got a piece of paper and a marker and wrote: "OWL" and proudly showed me.  And he read it.  No idea where that came from--certainly not from anything I did with him this week, but that's what is so spectacular about teaching--it's not about the teacher showing the learner or telling the learner or making the learner do--it's about the learner teaching the teacher.

Happy Weekend!

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